
CBO Program

  1. Sustainable Livelihoods through Producer Organizations for Tribal Women
    SDF has established technology-driven producer organizations for 3,000 ultra-poor tribal women across multiple districts. These CBOs focus on improving livelihoods through collective farming, rural marts, and value addition. By providing training, market linkages, and modern tools, the initiative enables members to earn sustainable incomes while fostering community ownership and self-reliance.

  2. Community Seed Banks for Agricultural Resilience
    This project empowers CBOs to manage and maintain community seed banks, ensuring access to high-quality seeds for smallholder farmers. The initiative promotes seed sovereignty, reduces dependency on external suppliers, and encourages the adoption of climate-resilient crops, building long-term agricultural sustainability within communities.

  3. Women’s Self-Help Groups (SHGs) for Artisan Craft Promotion
    In Uttarkashi, SDF has supported CBOs like women-led SHGs to preserve traditional crafts such as handloom and applique. These groups are trained in modern design techniques and provided with access to tools and markets. The project enhances income generation while creating a supportive community network for artisans.

  4. Community-Led Afforestation and Conservation Programs
    SDF collaborates with CBOs to lead afforestation initiatives, where local groups manage the planting and nurturing of native species in degraded areas. These programs foster environmental stewardship, enhance biodiversity, and provide sustainable livelihoods through activities such as eco-tourism and non-timber forest product collection.

  5. Health and Nutrition Support Groups for Mothers and Children
    In urban slums and rural areas, SDF has facilitated the formation of CBOs to address health and nutrition challenges. These support groups conduct awareness sessions on maternal health, child nutrition, and hygiene, distribute nutritional supplements, and facilitate access to essential health services. The initiative strengthens community resilience by empowering members to advocate for their health needs collectively.